Women of Valor – The World of Sisterhood
Our Shul’s Sisterhood offers a variety of activities that will bring “sisterhood” and a deeper connection to our synagogue family. Throughout the year, Sisterhood has many events planned such as the ones found below for our entire congregation and community (mark your calendars to save these dates!). General program and meeting topic will be provided in the monthly Scribe, the weekly e-Scribe, the Rabbi’s updates, and through flyers available at the Shul and online.
The TBS Sisterhood is a member of the Women’s League of Conservative Judaism. Visit their website for more information on what they have to offer at http://wlcj.org
Our great TBS Sisterhood ladies…

Sisterhood Events:
February 5th, 2020 at 10:00am: Pan Tournament & Luncheon: Do you play pan? Come show off your pan skills! Join us for a fun-filled day of pan. We would love to see you there. Donation of $45 to participate Registration & continental breakfast starts at 10:00am. Games begin at 10:30am sharp. For more information please contact Ann Millman (562)-439-8010.
Support Sisterhood:
Scrip Orders: Support Sisterhood and TBS by buying scrip for all your shopping and gift giving needs! We have grocery stores, including Gelson’s, department stores (Nordstroms & Nordstroms Rack now!), restaurants, movies, amusements, etc.
Sisterlicious, The TBS Sisterhood Cookbook! Please click on the link for a flyer to order yours today: Sisterlicious Cookbook
Sponsoring an Oneg or Kiddush – Sponsoring an Oneg or Kiddush is a wonderful way to celebrate, honor, or even memorialize a friend, loved one, or event. If you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg or Kiddush hosted by Sisterhood, please contact Nina Ayzenberg, ayzina@yahoo.com for further details.
Make a donation to Sisterhood with PayPal: Please click the “Donate to Sisterhood” link below. You’ll be taken to our PayPal site where you can make a donation. Please enter the donation amount into the “$0.00” field. Please add donation instructions explaining where you’d like your donation to be applied in the “Add a Note” field on the next page.
*Donate to Sisterhood*
If you have any questions, please contact Sisterhood Co-Presidents: Leslie Day at 562-833-8400 or email at leslieannday@verizon.net OR Ana Luna at 562-355-9016.
The Temple Beth Shalom Sisterhood Board for 2018-19:
Co-Presidents | Leslie Ann Day & Ana Maria Luna |
VP, Membership | Shelley Carl |
Treasurer | Louise Marak |
Recording Secretary | Nina Barlevy |
Sunshine Secretary | Allison Glatstein |
Chair, L’Shana Tova Book | Linda Frankel |
Chair, Torah Fund | Ida Bobrow |
Chair, Pan Tournaments | Ann Millman |
Chair, Donor Luncheon | Ana Maria Luna |
Chair, D’Var Torah | Dorothy Shapiro |
Co-Chairs, Scrip | Joan Davis and Marla Fine |
Co-Chairs, Shabbat Rituals | Nina Ayzenberg |
Committee Membership
Torah School Liaison Member-at-Large | Rachel Plotkin Olumese
Nadine Fruchter Michelle Sztraicher, Mayra Valle, Jodi Shapiro |