Friday, March 15
Our guest speakers for our 7:00pm service will be Cantorial Soloist Bryce Megdal and Rabbinical Student Jonah Sanderson.
Mentally Healthy Shabbat
Join us for a special Mentally Healthy Kabbalat Shabbat Service at 7:00pm on March 15 and Shabbat morning services on March 16. Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate. It will feature guest speakers, special readings, and guided meditations.
For more information, or if you would like to participate with a reading, please contact Jodi Shapiro, VP of Ways and Means.
Saturday, March 16
Our guest speaker for our 10:00am service will be Rabbi Sara Berman, a Board-certified chaplain and author of the book Benoni L'Benyamin, From Sorrow to Strength: My Journey with Depression, will share her story and give a D'var Torah looking at the Parsha through the lens of someone with depression.