Dear Friends, In 1984 Stevie Wonder had a chart-topping hit called “I Just Called to Say I Love You” – at this time of social distancing the telephone may just be our greatest defense against loneliness and isolation. I have been making calls to our members I haven’t already heard from, and the Cantor is also making calls. You can too. If you need a copy of the Temple telephone directory, please email me or the office, and we can supply you with the contact information of your fellow congregants. Just because we cannot gather together in person does not mean we cannot touch each other. |
Open Forum
On this Wednesday, March 25th, I have scheduled a Zoom conference for 5:00 PM. During this hour I will be available to facilitate a conversation regarding whatever may be on your mind, be it the challenges of isolation, fears over the future, or your hopes and dreams moving forward. To participate, you may 1) Click here ( and either download the Zoom software or – if you prefer – continue on in your web browser. 2) Call 669 900 6833 on your telephone and enter meeting number 624 838 691. If you see a screen saying that the meeting has not yet started, please be patient. I will open up the meeting a few minutes before it formally begins at 5:00. |
Kabbalat Shabbat over Zoom
More than twenty people participated in our prayer service last Friday night. If you would like to join us this Friday for prayers and conversation, you may 1) Click here ( or 2) Dial 346 248 7799 on your telephone and enter meeting number 614 244 810. |
Going Forward with Hope
Have courage: we will get through this, together. If I can be of any further assistance, if you are looking for a listening ear, or have some news to share, please do not hesitate to contact me at 562 726 4116 or |
Be well. David Rabbi David Cantor Temple Beth Shalom3635 Elm AveLong Beach, CA 90807 direct line: (562) 726-4116 |